Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

It's been a month since my last post. December has come and gone! It was a great holiday season but now it's time to return to the "normal grind."

I always try to start the year off with a resolution or two. I've spoke with a few friends and they don't seem to put much stock in them. They told me they don't think they could accomplish or stick to them anyway, so "what's the point?"

I choose to make resolutions despite their cynicism. If we don't make resolutions in the first place, then how do we expect to change for the better in the first place? I won't pretend to believe that I'll be fully faithful to my resolutions, but if I don't make them in the first place I won't have something to strive toward. I think that's the point of New Years. It's the spirit that an individual can improve or better one's self. Don't we all want to be just a bit better off than we were the year before? And since we're changing all the time - shouldn't we try to change for the best.

It's an ambitious year for me. I have five-ish resolutions... all of which are pretty lofty. With that being said, here (in no particular order) are my New Year's resolutions:
  • Continue my efforts to lose weight & inches with visits to the gym and eating well.
  • Change a "growing" to-do list into a "shrinking" to-do list by finishing projects I've started.
  • Plan the best damn wedding possible - hopefully with as little stress as possible. (yea right!)
  • Train myself to speak in full & coherent sentences. Speak with proper enunciation.
  • Consider the consequences of things I say & do and how they will affect my friends, family, and people I interact with.
I realize that this may not be the best forum for a dialogue, but feel free to comment with your own resolutions. Good luck on yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We want an UPDATE!
We want an UPDATE!
We want an UPDATE!
We want an UPDATE!
We want an UPDATE!
We want an UPDATE!