Sunday, March 26, 2006

first dance

Wedding plans are nearing completion since we're now less than 4 weeks away from the big day! Part of our decision process has been music to be played at the reception. Of course this is no easy task. We want the kick-ass-ing-ist party there can be. Don't worry, "Bust a Move" is on the must-play list. I'm sure it will be great, but Anne and I are still struggling with one big reception music decision: our first dance song.

We've been through a large list of songs several times. Neither of us want to compromise on the situation and we are not seeing eye to eye. I don't really know how to resolve the problem. I'm sure we'll find something eventually so I think patience is the best course for now. I've been listening to a ton of new songs on Rhapsody. Maybe I'll find a diamond in the rough there.


Anonymous said...

Any progress on this mild dilemma?

David Campbell said...

No, unfortunately. Any suggestions are certainly welcome.

Anonymous said...

You need to update, bro. My Google homepage is getting pretty routine without you :-p