Wednesday, May 04, 2005

vote for the worst

Now I haven't been a big fan of American Idol in the past. I guess I'm still not, but this season Anne got me hooked on watching it. I still don't like the "results" shows on Wednesday so I usually skip them (I'm skipping one right now while writing this).

I guess I was most hooked because I "picked my horse" early to win. Just like any other reality-based competition show, I hoped that my guy/gal/team would win. For American Idol, I picked Anwar (with Constantine second).

If you follow the show, you'd know that Anwar's journey ended a while back. It's unfortunate. If you also follow the news around the show, you'd have learned that pretty-crappy-and-white-trashy-lookin Scott was charged with felony assault on his fiancee a while back. Scott is clearly (CLEARLY) less talented than Anwar, and yet Scott outlasted him. With Anwar out, I rooted for Constantine. And last week, yet again my "horse" had fallen. Constantine was out before Scott, who has now made it into the top 5. So I felt justified and glad that I wasn't emotionally attached to the show. I walked away from it last week calling it "Farce Idol." TM

However I've come across some pretty interesting information. I was doing a search on the internet because of the Paula Abdul scandal about to hit the air waves (clearly another reason AI is absurd). .... Quick side note: that story is going to be hell-a-funny. I'll have to write again once I watch it. Anyway, I came across some interesting information. It turns out there has been an underground (so underground, I've never heard of it) movement for the past two seasons to put forth their choice as the worst Idol (Google Cache - It's not as pretty, but you can read the text even though the site is down) and try to get them to win. Their horse: Mikalah. And once she got bumped? Scott. They're mighty proud of themselves. I won't go into their explanation, but I'll point you to their site and you can see what they're up to.

I think it's funny that they do this to mess with the show which drives most people crazy (trust me I know. I checked the forums). However I've got a renewed interest in the show to see if they can actually pull it off. My new horse: the underground movement "Vote for the Worst." Now I'm not low enough to vote for Scott. He's sleeze in a cheap suit. However, who doesn't like a good controversy every ... week.

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