Thursday, June 02, 2005

Eagerly awaiting Myst 5

I can't wait.
I just saw a preview of the upcoming (and supposed final) installment of the Myst series called End of Ages. I am SO excited. Apparently they had a display at E3 and I was not informed. However, GameSpy was there and did a nice preview spread on the game this week.

It's said to be a departure from typical Myst games in that it will utilize a full 3D environment (similar to a FPS) rather than 360-degree panoramas to point-and-click on. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I've loved almost everything they've done so I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

Myst 5: End of Ages is slated for a fall release and I'll be there. I've had to include a screen shot from GameSpy. I hope this doesn't make the post look crappy. Awe man!

PS: The image was too wide for my blog and the CSS they've given me doesn't conform to wide images. I've shrunk it here so you can get the jist, but I'm also linking it so you can see it as it's ment to be seen.

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