Sunday, August 13, 2006

the Molly party

First off, this post is being written by Microsoft's new WYSISYG blog writer, Windows Live Writer. It's pretty slick. I spent 5 minutes setting it up and will apparently post to my Blogger account! It's in beta right now so let me know if you notice anything odd about this post.

Anyway, on with the story.

Molly finished her summer contract with the YMCA camp she was working at so Anne and i picked her up. She'll be staying with us for a week - which rocks - until her parents swing by and pick her up.

When I told Foster that Molly would be coming in, he decided to change his weekend plans and conveniently end up in Chester for her arrival. Even better yet, Kev picked up Nate along the way. Molly was pretty elated when she saw them at the door. She screamed and cried :-)

Knowing that Molly, Kevin, and Nate would be all together I decided we needed to step it up to a full-fledged party. [Pictures] I called Kevin Twitty and Shaena and Steve. Anne got hold of Jen Bradshaw and attempted to get some others. However the 9 of us had an amazing night. We were all pretty wrecked - except Shaena who kept good track of some of the worse off. That, however, did not keep us from making several calls and messages to friends.

The party pretty much crashed in my living room and we woke up to pancakes this morning... made by moi! The whole lot of us went to the Castle to play mini-golf. The guys beat the girls and I think Foster had the best score of all. (I was second third)

We got some lunch at Chili's and Kevin and Nate were on their way. It was a great weekend. Earlier this evening Anne and I were talking. We both said we hadn't had this much fun in a while.


Unknown said...

Sorry, Dave, but I think I was actually second by a couple strokes. ;) Unless you were going by your math. :)

David Campbell said...

Sorry Nate! I couldn't quite remember the scores so I thought I was second. I've made the adjustment in the post. I didn't mean to steal the glory of second in a game of mini-golf from you -_-

Unknown said...

I appreciate that you can see the error of your ways. ;)