Thursday, November 18, 2004

jon stewart vs crossfire

I'm about a month behind on current events I guess. I just saw the Crossfire episode with guest Jon Stewart which aired October 15th. It was pretty damn funny.

Jon basically told the two hosts that their show blows. He called the bow-tie-wearing republican host a dick... on national television. (transcript) Of course Jon wasn't going to be able to simply say his piece without being verbally attacked. He was accused of not being hard hitting and lacking journalistic integrity. Jon's response? "How much integrity can I have when I follow a show of puppets making prank phone calls?"

Bottom line, Crossfire got pwned by Jon Stewart. Jon then spent a few minutes on the following Daily Show telling the tale. It was a really good laugh. I found this article which was a really good summary of the pre-math, math, and after-math. Anyway... this is all a month old... so whatever.

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