Wednesday, November 17, 2004

myst iv: revelation

I just downloaded the most recent installment of the Myst video game series and let me tell you- it's pretty damn hot. I've been playing the games since their inception back whenever they were incepted, and I think they've really taken their concepts to all new heights in their latest game: Myst IV: Revelation.

I don't mean to write a review or tell you too much about the game so I'll keep it short and sweet. It's pure eye candy. Every step of the game is beautiful and well thought out. The music and ambient sounds complete the process of emersing the player into the game. And most interestingly, the game has a new reliance on the actual interactions with characters rather than merely reading about them in past games.

Whether you buy or find this game, I highly recommend it. That is of course if your computer has 8 gigs of spare hd space for the game to run smoothly. Oh and of course a 128 mb video card. And at least 512 mb of memory. ...So if you have a decent computer and a lot of time to spend on excellent puzzles and amazing worlds, Myst IV: Revelation is a must play.

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