Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Amazing Race 6 Finale

You might be familiar with my guilty reality tv habit called The Amazing Race. It's appropriately named, aMAZing! I love the show. And it didn't I'm glad it didn't disappoint last night as it was the season finale. It wasn't quite as entertaining as watching Charla & Mirna (the midget team) from last season, but you really can't beat midgets anyway. I was rooting for Kris & Jon who were in first place until the final plane flight. They were misquoted by American Airlines (stupid AA) about the first plane back to Chicago and arrived second. Freddy & Kendra were able to capitalize on the mistake by grabbing the first flight and while only minutes separated them, Kris & Jon never had a chance to get back in front. Oh well. Freddy & Kendra won a million bucks. Yipee.

So at the end of the race, they tease us with trailers from Amazing Race 7 which starts in 3 weeks! WHOOO HOOOO!!! One of the teams are former Survivor contestants. That should work real well... *pfft* The Survivor contestants from season 5 were out in the first few weeks.

So then I got this really good idea. I wanted to fill an application with Anne for season 8. Last night there was no link to be found, but today while writing this, I found a link for casting! Unfortunately, like a sucker punch really, they're announcing that they're looking for family teams of 4! WTF!?

... So does anyone wanna be my long lost brother?


Anonymous said...

Well, the bonds of BCS are like a brotherhood... Does that count? If so, I'm in!


Anonymous said...

Hey, we've busted drunks together. Why not catch a plane together? Hmm... wonder where Andy is.

Anonymous said...

I'm in. as soon as i take out one of those two....
