Monday, February 14, 2005

new cell phone

I went home this past weekend with Anne. We had a nice time talking to my Uncle / Pastor Brian about our wedding. But aside from that, my family got new cell phones for our family plan. I was soooo excited to be rid of the brown brick one would call my cell phone. I could slay a small dragon with the thing. Anywho we made our way down to the Verizon Wireless store to sign our new contract and pick up our phones. I got a Samsung SCH-a650.

I really hate cell phone companies. Verizon Wireless is no better than any of the rest. I think they hire their staff knowing that every social American will need to deal with these people no matter what. In that every Cell Phone Sales Clerk is the least helpful, most irritating, slowest individual you've ever met. And cell phone companies don't care... because they know you're buying the cell phone at that point. You could wait for 3 hours and you'd still be there waiting for your cell phone. And Verizon Wireless knows it. To make things worse, they sit behind this counter with a computer. I can hear mouse clicks all over the place. You know Tiffany (as our special clerk was named) is playing Minesweeper or Snood on her computer rather than selecting our contract and phones. The thing that really kills me is that she's probably on commission. Wouldn't you want to do your job quickly if you were on commission in order to sell more phones and thus make more money?!?

So we finished up with "slow Tiffany" and I thought she was going to give us our phones, but no. We were moved over to the Activation Clerk. This was much less eventful except that my brother Steve whispers in my ear that the woman is wearing a wig. I could barely hold my laugh inside. He was probably right.

About an hour after entering the store we got our cell phones. Hurrah. I moved my phone book over and everything already too so no one got dropped in the conversion.

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