Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day 2005

Of course we all know and love/hate Valentine's Day. What a swell guy, Mr. Valentine, to create a day where happy lovers feel extra happy, lonely folks feel extra lonely, stressed out guys spend lots of money and get extra stressed... *sigh* I can just feel it in the air.

My V-Day went as many others do. I hadn't done much planning, so as Anne left for work I was up and getting ready for my "day." I faked the "I'm working" thing with her to see her out and then started my day long mission.

First step: flowers.
Flowers are an important part of Valentine's Day. Why? Because that's where the real cash cow is. I paid several times more for my flowers than I did for Anne's gift. I'm not totally complaining. They look very nice. I took a picture or two, maybe I'll post those. I had to fight with them outside as it was extremely windy. And once I got them into the car, they spilled while I was driving. So it wasn't the best of starts for my day. Regardless, I get the flowers upstairs and make them look nice with some pictures of us.

Part duh: the gift.
The gift is usually the easy part. If you're a real sweet guy, you'll get some jewelry or other very thoughtful gift. If you're like all the other millions of guys, you listen well enough to know there's something she wants and that's what you'll get. (I fall in that category, I got her the Shark Tale DVD) However, if you're like all the other other guys (mostly made of RIT students), you got her what you wanted to get her and not necessarily what she wanted... lingerie and underwear. 'Nuff said on that. I think I just offended a lot of people (mainly RIT students).

Letter three: the candy.
Now the candy is a tricky one. There's a hidden message behind the candy. Get too much candy and your significant other (politically correctness is next to godliness) could possibly be thinking "OMG! Does he think I'm some kind of pig!?" Don't get any candy and you may hear "Where's the candy? Do you think I'm fat?" So the safe bet is to get a nice low dose of sugar and chocolate. Especially when you know she loves M&Ms. (Anne does) (btw, Anne didn't say or think any of those things)

Next: the card.
Kevin James (I just learned from IMDB that it's Kevin James III) has a very funny comedic commentary on greeting cards. I'll defer to him on this one. Get one. Write her name in it. Write "Love " in it. Don't literally write "" in it. Write some X's and O's. Done deal.

Five: some atmosphere.
Anne came home around 4. I made sure to have some candles lit and her gift and card wrapped up and near the flowers. I put the M&Ms out in a bowl nearby as well. Needless to say she was very happy. I think she loved the flowers.

Last but certainly not least: the restaurant.
Make sure you go out to dinner. On a nice evening like Valentine's is supposed to be, couples shouldn't have to worry about cooking dinner. If the experience at the restaurant is good, it's that much better of an evening. If the experience was "eh to poor" like ours was, at least you didn't have to cook. We went to an Italian restaurant down the street called Nino's. They have good food, but their service wasn't very good. Everything was rushed. Our waiter brought out salads while we were eating our appetizer (forgivable) and our entree before we were half-way finished with our salads (barely forgivable). It was later in the evening and we were probably their last table, but I was still surprised when one waitress began running the vacuum while we were clearly still eating. Anne and I had had about enough at that point so we quickly paid and left. It didn't hamper the evening at all- in fact it made for some interesting conversation.

The rest of the evening should be downhill from there. It's a lot of work, but it's almost always worth the effort. That's all for now.

PS- This post may not accurately portray my personal feelings on the whole Valentine's Day thing. Especially if you're reading this and your name is Anne. If you're Anne, then I love the whole day and have nothing bad to say about it. And I love you. .... Anne? Anne?! AAAAAAANNE!!!

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